
EP Hopes Democratic Opening to Bring Successful Results in Turkey

Πηγή: Good Morning Turkey
Jan 9 2013

EP stated that they have supported Turkey since beginning and hoping that democratic opening would bring successful result.

The European Parliament’s (EP) Turkey rapporteur, Ria Oomen-Ruijten said that she “sincerely hopes” Turkish Parliament to prepare the new constitution in the first half of this year.

Dutch Christian Democrat rapporteur Ria Oomen-Ruijten on Wednesday explained the ” European Parliament resolution on the 2012 progress report on Turkey” in a press conference and stated that they have supported the Turkey since the beginning and hoping that the democratic opening would bring successful results.
Oomen-Ruijten has said the problems of 20 million Turkish citizens of Kurdish origin should be solved and added that the new constitution presented an important opportunity in the scope of solving these issues.

In EP’s annual resolution report on Turkey lays stress on the principles of the separation of powers and an adequate system of checks and balances; relations between the state, society and religion; an inclusive system of governance securing the basic rights of all citizens and inclusive concept of citizenship.

The report reiterates its condemnation, in the strongest terms, of the continuing terrorist violence by the PKK, which is on the EU list of terrorist organisations and expresses its full solidarity to Turkey and to the families of the many victims, calling on the Member States, in close coordination with the EU counter terrorism coordinator and Europol, to intensify cooperation with Turkey in the fight against terrorism and organised crime as a source of financing of terrorism.

It expresses once again its strong support to the reunification of Cyprus, based on a fair and viable settlement for both communities; underlines the urgency of an agreement between the two communities on how to proceed with the substantive settlement negotiations, so that the negotiating process, under the auspices of the UN Secretary-General , can soon regain momentum; calls on Turkey to begin withdrawing its forces from Cyprus.

The report supports Turkey’s commitment to democratic forces in Syria and the provision of humanitarian assistance to Syrians who fled the country; asks the Commission, the Member States and the international community to support Turkey’s efforts to cope with the growing humanitarian dimension of the Syrian crisis; underlines the importance of a common understanding between the EU and Turkey on how to deliver the available humanitarian assistance to the displaced Syrians currently on Turkish territory or waiting at its borders.

Oomen-Ruijten said that she would hold talks in the Turkish capital of Ankara and southern province of Hatay on January 10 and 12.

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