
Bahrain's elected municipals say unelected and illegitimate government dismissed them

The vice president of al-Wefaq's municipal bloc and member of secretariat, Majeed Milad, speaking at a press conference on  20 Nov 2012 said that  "the infringements on religious freedoms will not bring us to abandon our demands for political freedoms".
Πηγή: ABNA
Jan 22 2013

The dismissed municipals held a press conference at al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, they said their unfair dismissals reflect the authorities' contempt of the people of Bahrain and they believe that the dismissals are politically-motivated and used to punish dissents within the government's series of suppression on freedom of expression. They stated that they could resort to judiciary outside Bahrain as the judiciary in Bahrain has not provided remedy.

Majeed Milad, the vice president of the Capital municipal council and member of al-Wefaq's secretariat said in the press conference, "What's strange is that the dismissals were linked to the members' lead of a protest march to the Pearl square and their communication with the UN's Secretary-General, and were taken under governmental orders, this means that the regime considers this a crime, so does the Bahraini law criminalize communication with the United Nation's Secretary-General?"

Milad said the dismissals are sectarian and do not only target the municipal members but the residents in their constituencies. He mentioned that after the dismissals and until now, the constituencies of the dismissed members have been subjected to collective punishment as projects and services in these constituencies have been stopped during the past two years. This proves that the residents are also targeted in this punishment, he added.

Milad pointed out that "Each and every citizen -being a municipal member or not- has a right to political activity and therefore you cannot simply say that these members have practiced a political role that interferes in their municipal work, you cannot part municipal members from their right to political activity".

"We may resort to international judiciary because the judiciary in Bahrain has not remedied us", he said.

Abdul-Redha Zuhair, one of the five dismissed members, said the dismissals had not come in natural circumstances but rather under an unelected government that claims to be democratic.

"The five dismissed municipal members are elected by the people and they were dismissed by an unelected government", Zuhair said, " the government looks indifferently to the fact that the Bassiouni report has recommended that all charges relating to freedom of expression be dropped

"What happened proves that the government is not on a path of resolution at all and that it also looks indifferently to the international covenants Bahrain is part of", he added.

Zuhair said the judiciary which has rejected the appeals today is controlled by the executive authority as appeals made to consider that any dismissal legally requires the agreement of two thirds of the municipal members have not been looked into. This legal requirement was not fulfilled, the dismissals were instigated by the Municipals minister.

"This will not have impact on voters' confidence in these members and the people still consider them their legitimate representatives, and the municipal members are persistent to the legitimate rights of the people", Zuhair affirmed.

Adel al-Sitri, a member of the central constituency municipal council, said commenting on local press questions that the dismissed members have presented initiatives to resolve the issue but they have all failed due to the municipal minister's hardening toward the issue. He stressed that they will not present any apologies.

Hussain al-Oraibi, also a member of the central constituency municipal council, mentioned that he received a big number calls from residents in his constituency who denounced the Cassation court's oppressive ruling.

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