
On Libya: The UN and the Delphic Oracle

It was like grass on the plains from the very beginning of the Libyan revolution that the whole incident was a civil war. In Greece we have experienced the drama of this kind of situation short after the Second War. Hatred and retaliation are the common ground between the members of such a divided society when abuses on every aspect of human rights take place even between the members of same family.

In a declassified monograph titled "The Greek Civil War, 1947-1949: Lessons for the Operational Artist in Foreign Internal Defense" Major Frank Abbot uses the Greek civil war and the America's FID (Foreign Internal Defense) as a model to derive recommendations for the future being still useful despite the collapse of the USSR as: "... insurgencies will continue despite the fall of Communism. Groups such as Peru's Shining Path arestill active., Other narcotics-related organizations in Latin America and South Asia may incite insurgencies inorder to replace an existing government with a regime that will tolerate illegal drug activities. Additionally, despite the fall of the Soviet Union, there are approximately twenty Communist terrorist groups worldwide that could instigate civil unrest. Furthermore, the eruption of regional unrest throughout Eastern Europe, Africa, and the Middle East may create new nation-states with unstable governments. Insurgency threats to these new governments may emerge from ethnic, religious, or racial groups. In any of these scenarios, the United States may decide to support a threatened government, but may also determine that the use of US combat forces to restore order is unfeasible or unsuitable. A foreign internal defense mission, then, is a viable option in such cases". 
"The Creek Civil War: Lessons for the OA in FID" (pdf)

Well, even that the present Libya war goes to the opposite direction aka the support of rebels against the regime, the report is still valid in three of the conclusion key points to put under consideration by an operational artist in a FID mission. First is the great importance of the "appointment of the best indigenous leader for the military forces". That was accomplished by the enrollment of the experienced Khalifa Haftar - a CIA's asset - as chief of the rebel's army. Second is the subject of the legitimacy of the operation: "In addition, legitimacy in a FID operation may involve more than just the relationship between the indigenous people and their government, but also the peoples and governments of other nations." This was also accomplished by the (even superficial) participation of the Arab League. Third and most important is that "... the operational artist should consider methods to not only protect the local population, but also encourage the people to participate in the (counter) insurgency effort". To this point the ongoing operation is just a great failure. Despite the various claims coming from the TNC (Transitional National Council) officials or the regime's defectors truth is that Qaddafi enjoys a strong support from his own people, something that was strengthened by the sky - falling depleted uranium liberating bombs.
Recently the HRW reported abuses committed by the rebels on the regime's civilians. On Friday FRANCE 24 journalist David Thomson reported that he had witnessed events in Libya that confirmed the reports about looting, arson and abuse of civilians. The rebel's "Foreign Minister" Mahmut Jibril apologized to the EU stating (falsely) that the abuses were committed within the first fifteen days of the revolution and there is an investigation about them going on. But then why the HRW and the eye witness journal had to wait so long to report? Given the fragmentation of the Libyan society to rival tribes one can safely assume that this war is hatred driven. From one side there are the rebels with their informal army using NATO air force and (at least) against the UN imposed embargo delivered French weapons to topple dictator Qaddafi and destroy his deep rooted regime. From the other side there are his supporters watching the bombs of the foreign West coalition keep falling on their houses. Behind all this there are the leaders of the various tribes divided to the one or the other side. Qaddafi's forces have cracked on civilians. The rebels have brutalized the innocent immigrants, used even fifteen years old boys to their army and now this human rights abuses are reported. Meanwhile the bombs have also reportedly killed civilians. Furthermore it is obvious that if someone is in defense he is not the rebels anymore. It is Tripoli that is being under siege. 
Thinking about the UN resolution prompting for the protection of the civilians by "taking any necessary measures" and considering the above described situation one is reflecting the Delphic oracle and the contemporary Pythia who in a frenzied state induced by vapors rising from a chasm in the rock spoke now that gibberish mandate which the modern priests of war skillfully reshaped into an enigmatic oracle, namely the "no flying zone", which in practice leads to a regime change at any cost on human lives. Enough!

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