Πηγή: New York Times
By Elizabeth Bumiller
Oct 23 2011
BALI, Indonesia — Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said Sunday that despite hundreds of billions of dollars in expected cuts to the Pentagon budget, the United States would remain a “Pacific power” even as China expanded its military presence in the region.
Mr. Panetta, who is on his first trip to Asia as defense secretary, made the comments at a meeting of Southeast Asian nations on this Indonesian resort island. He sought to reassure Pacific nations concerned about China’s increasing assertiveness that the United States, as he put it, would be “a force for peace and prosperity” here.
He acknowledged that nations in the region were worried about the impact of at least $450 billion in Pentagon budget cuts over the next decade and whether the United States could afford to maintain a strong military presence in the Pacific.
“There’s no question that those concerns have been expressed,” Mr. Panetta told reporters before meeting with the defense ministers of the 10 countries that make up the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. But Mr. Panetta said that “I’ve made clear that even with the budget constraints that we are facing in the United States, there is no question that in discussions within the Pentagon, and discussions in the White House, that the Pacific will be a priority for the United States of America.”
Mr. Panetta offered no specifics, although he said that the United States “will maintain our force projection” in the region — some 85,000 forces in all, largely in South Korea and Japan.
Although he did not mention it, the United States is also stepping up investments in a range of weapons, jet fighters and technology in response to China’s military prowess.
In the last year, China tested its first radar-evading fighter jet, the J-20, and is developing an antiship ballistic missile that has the potential of hitting American aircraft carriers. China is also in sea trials with its first aircraft carrier, a refitted Soviet-era carrier from Ukraine. China’s People’s Liberation Army — with some 1.25 million ground troops, the largest in the world — is on track to achieve its goal of building a modern, regionally focused force by 2020.
The Chinese military remains focused on Taiwan, which it claims as part of its sovereign territory, and has deployed as many as 1,200 short-range missiles aimed in its direction.
At the same time, China has become involved in a number of maritime disputes with countries in the region over its claims to the South China Sea. On some Chinese maps, China’s territorial claims to the sea extend south nearly to the coast of Indonesia — a source of aggravation to top administration officials.
Earlier this month, Mr. Panetta was blunt about his worries. “We’re concerned about China,” he told American service members in Naples, Italy. “The most important thing we can do is to project our force into the Pacific — to have our carriers there, to have our fleet there, to be able to make very clear to China that we are going to protect international rights to be able to move across the oceans freely.”
Mr. Panetta will also visit Japan and South Korea this week.
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