Πηγή: Modern Tokyo Times
By Murad Makhmudov and Lee Jay Walker
Oct 19 2011
The conflicts that engulfed the former Yugoslavia still remain unresolved in the political arena and open to Western political shenanigans and covert meddling from Turkey and Saudi Arabia in Bosnia and Kosovo. Orthodox Christianity faces many attacks and only a naïve individual would claim that America and the hands of Turkey and Saudi Arabia are clean.
America and other Western nations did little to stop Turkey invading Cyprus in 1974 and creating a de-facto nation and altering the demographics of northern Cyprus and using this area for military purposes.
Irrespective of the rights and wrongs of Cyprus you have no vindication of allowing a foreign army to invade another nation and then altering the ethnic and religious nature of the society that was invaded. However, the response by America to this Turkish and Islamic invasion was not only minimal but it clearly wasn’t important enough to the elites who pull the strings.
The invasion was both nationalist in nature and religious because what is left of Orthodox Christianity in northern Cyprus? Also, are Orthodox Christian religious leaders free to convert and spread the faith in northern Cyprus?
In Turkey ethnicity and religion is fused together by the current leader of Turkey but anti-Christian themes run deep within the psyche irrespective of the leader. After all, Turkey is the cradle of Orthodox Christianity and “old Byzantium” but this “cradle” was destroyed by constant Islamic invasions, Turkish migration and Islamization which enslaved and sold European Christian slaves for many centuries.
The one uniting theme of the 1915 Turkish genocide which is still denied by modern day Turkey is that millions of Armenian/Assyrian/Greek Christians were slaughtered and just like “old Byzantium” and modern day northern Cyprus and Kosovo – you have very few traces of Orthodox Christianity.
Therefore, in northern Cyprus, Kosovo and “old Byzantium” the virtual 100% Christian lands have become a graveyard because of past Islamic invasions and because of recent factors. These recent factors apply to the combined forces of America, Turkey, Islamic terrorists, Saudi Arabian funding, and other important areas alongside a distorted media which is anti-Orthodox Christian.
In many Western academia circles and according to Islamic apologists we are told that Islam means peace, but in truth it means “a piece of Christianity to swallow” and then to Islamize. How do virtual 100% Christian areas become “Orthodox Christian graveyards?”
Shaul Shay in his book called Islamic Terror and the Balkans comments on page 191 that “The “Afghan model,” in which an “ad hoc” alliance was forged between radical Islam and the West with the aim of defeating a common adversary – the Soviet Union – has recurred in the arena of confrontation between Islam and its Slav (Orthodox Christian) enemies in the Balkans. In both conflicts in the Balkans – in Bosnia and with even more intensity in Kosovo – radical Islamic factors and Iran (which is defined as a state that supports terror) chose the same side as the United States and the NATO countries.”
On page 192 Shaul Shay comments that “The case of the Balkans proves that radical Islam has apparently succeeded in developing an effective model in which it harnesses the West to realize the objectives of Islam, as reflected in the “Afghan model” and subsequently in the “Balkan model.” With regards to the Afghan case, the West did not comprehend the implications of the success of radical Islam and failed to draw the necessary conclusions, forcing it to pay a heavy toll for its errors (the September 11 offensive).”
Therefore, when Serbian troops tried to stem the tide of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in their own country, a massive Western media campaign went hand in hand with political elites in America and the United Kingdom. At the same time the Islamic terror networks were welcomed by policy makers in Washington because of past links in Afghanistan. This applies to the CIA, other agencies and government programs which trained radical Sunni Islamists to fight against the secular government of Najibullah in Afghanistan by establishing bases and allowing religious indoctrination in Pakistan.
The same America which didn’t lift a finger to help Orthodox Christians and force Turkey out of northern Cyprus, was involved in Kosovo in a flash and clearly the KLA and Islamic networks had a well-organized plan which had Washington stamped all over it. Therefore, in three wars in the Balkans since the end of World War Two the United States supported the forces of Islam in Bosnia, northern Cyprus and Kosovo.
It mattered not if the Muslims were a minority or a majority or if an area was invaded by Turkish Muslim forces in northern Cyprus. Simply put, America sided with Islamic forces every time irrespective if outright Islamists like Alija Izetbegovic in Bosnia or with nationalist Muslims in Turkey. The end result was the same and this applies to being anti-Orthodox Christian and implementing hypocritical policies.
Alija Izetbegovic was a Bosnian Islamist who worked hand in hand with the Clinton administration. The same Izetbegovic welcomed international Islamic terrorists and clearly in his mind he had a long-term objective. Therefore, while the first phase was military he understood that the second phase was more potent and this applies to Islamization by stealth.
Izetbegovic commented that “… the Islamic movement should and must start taking over the power as soon as it is morally and numerically strong enough to not only overthrow the existing non-Islamic, but also to build up a new Islamic authority. …”
“… In one of the thesis for an Islamic order today we have stated that it is a natural function of the Islamic order to gather all Muslims and Muslim communities throughout the world into one. Under present conditions, this desire means a struggle for creating a great Islamic federation from Morocco to Indonesia, from the tropical Africa to the Central Asia. …”
The second phase is more important because it is long-lasting and based on stealth jihad and this applies to Islamization through the educational sector and other important areas. Shaul Shay comments that “Money from Muslim states serves to fund the dissemination of Islam, mainly through educational frameworks. Some 100,000 Muslim Bosnian youths study in Islamic educational institutions today that advocate the extremist Wahhabi ideology.”
In modern day Kosovo the Orthodox Christian community is facing the brunt of Albanian nationalism and Kosovo Islamism. Ironically, for some Kosovo Albanians they also fear the growing rise of Kosovo Islamism because while Albanian nationalism and Kosovo Islamism share some common themes, it is clear that Kosovo Islamism hopes to swallow Albanian nationalism. Either way, the Orthodox Christian community is fighting for its survival in pockets of Kosovo because the “Orthodox Christian graveyard” is literal in many parts of modern day Kosovo and all in the name of democracy according to Bill Clinton and Tony Blair.
The destruction of Orthodox Christian churches and protection of children by international armed forces from Kosovo Albanian extremists is an ongoing reality. This, and the organ scandal, doesn’t seem to alter anything because Serbian power is all but a distant memory. Therefore, a de-facto nation is being created literally on “the organs of innocents and narcotic trafficking alongside Islamic terrorist networks in Kosovo.”
Paul Lewis in an article published in The Guardian (British newspaper) on Dec 14th, states that “Kosovo’s prime minister is the head of a “mafia-like” Albanian group responsible for smuggling weapons, drugs and human organs through Eastern Europe, according to a Council of Europe inquiry report on organized crime.”
“The report of the two-year inquiry, which cites FBI and other intelligence sources, has been obtained by the Guardian. It names Thaçi as having over the last decade exerted “violent control” over the heroin trade. Figures from Thaçi’s inner circle are also accused of taking captives across the border into Albania after the war, where a number of Serbs are said to have been murdered for their kidneys, which were sold on the black market.”
In another article published by Modern Tokyo Times it is commented that “The report is clearly damning and this applies to not only the PM of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, but to all nations who have recognized Kosovo. This applies to breaking international law and making clear fabrications about the nature of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and the reality of what was happening on the ground.”
Paul Lewis continues also stated that “The report paints a picture in which ex-KLA commanders have played a crucial role in the region’s criminal activity. It says: “In confidential reports spanning more than a decade, agencies dedicated to combating drug smuggling in at least five countries have named Hashim Thaçi and other members of his Drenica group as having exerted violent control over the trade in heroin and other narcotics.”
Therefore, the policies of Bill Clinton included the green light for thousands of Islamists to enter Bosnia and in time they would slit the throats of Orthodox Christians. Not content with this, he also supported the terrorist and criminal KLA in Kosovo who have been involved in organ trafficking and heroin alongside destroying Orthodox Christianity.
In an article published by Modern Tokyo Times called Bosnia and Clinton’s Radical Islamists it was stated that “Sky news has obtained clear and proper evidence of a major cover-up and footages of massacres against Serbian Christians. According to the investigation and footages which were shown, it is abundantly clear that thousands of radical Islamists from all over the world were given a free reign in Bosnia.”
“This free-reign meant that innocent Serbian Christians were to meet terrible and disturbing deaths at the hands of radical Islamists who celebrated openly while cutting the heads off innocent civilians. The same Islamic forces which unleashed September 11th and which stone people to death in order to create “year zero,” were welcomed openly by Clinton and by people within his administration.”
In another called The Forgotten Orthodox Christians of Bosnia and Kosovo it was mentioned that “Maybe one day the Serbian Orthodox Christian community in Bosnia will face the same fate which befell their co-religionists in Kosovo. After all, Islamic nations and organizations are funding many Islamic institutions throughout the region and added to the higher Muslim birthrate and pro-American policies towards the Muslims of Bosnia and Kosovo then this could become a future reality.”
Turning back to northern Cyprus then it is clear that de-Orthodox Christianity is a reality and the same applies to the invasion by Turkey being tolerated for so long. This is in stark contrast to America’s intervention in Kosovo and not only this, just look at the hypocrisy of NATO because why isn’t Turkey expelled for violating the sovereignty of Cyprus?
If anybody wants to deny the religious element of northern Cyprus then an article by the Washington Times called Religious artifacts in Cyprus in “great peril” should make you think again. The article highlights the destruction of 500 Orthodox Christian churches which have been pillaged, 133 monasteries desecrated, 15,000 religious paintings have disappeared, 77 churches turned into mosques, 28 converted into military hospitals/camps and 13 have been turned into barns.
The US administration went into a panic over one Koran which was burnt but the systematic destruction of Orthodox Christianity in northern Cyprus doesn’t enter the radar. This is because either allies of America are doing this, like Turkey, and because covert policies by past leaders including Clinton have given the “green light” to Islamists in the Balkans.
It is clear that America’s lack of concern for Orthodox Christianity in northern Cyprus was a clear indicator to events in Bosnia and Kosovo. Killing two million mainly African Christians and Animists in Sudan in the 1980s and early 1990s by Arab Islamists didn’t witness intervention. Also, when Timorese Christians were being massacred by Indonesia this wasn’t deemed to be a crime at the time because America, the United Kingdom, and other nations, kept on selling military arms to Indonesia.
Iraqi Christians should have understood the reality of the Balkans because they have been left to defend themselves and unlike past secular law, they are now governed by Islamic Sharia law. Not surprisingly approximately 50 per cent of all Iraqi Christians have fled and at no time was special protection given to them from the sword of radical Islam.
Therefore, de-Christianization in northern Cyprus was done by an ally of America, the ongoing de-Christianization of Kosovo and Iraq respectively is happening under the watch of international troops and so-called friendly governments in Kosovo and Iraq – and Saudi Arabia is intent on spreading Islam in Bosnia and Europe while not allowing one single Christian church in their own nation.
If history tells us anything then the de-Christianization of Kosovo is a constant theme of America’s anti-Orthodox Christian policies in the Balkans. Therefore, Izetbegovic’s pan-Islamic dream remains a possibility because of America’s collusion, Islamic terrorist networks, Saudi Arabian and Turkish funding of Islamic institutions and if all this fails – then other covert ways will be found.
Macedonia should take note because the gap between events in northern Cyprus and Bosnia is many years apart but pro-Muslim policies remained the same. The current status quo in Macedonia will be put under further strains in the future because of the demographic reality and the rise of Islamism in the Balkans.
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x66b3i_kosovo-150-orthodox-churches-bef-af_news DESTRUCTION OF ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITY IN KOSOVO –
Killing Kosovo Serbs under so-called international protection
Attacks against Orthodox Christian Serbs in Kosovo
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4xwsz_kosovo-kidnapped-butchered-murdered_news#rel-page-7 – Albanian KLA and killing people for organs
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