
The Arab Spring and the European Summer

Following the Arab Spring and the revolutions taking place in various authoritarian States of the continent everybody thought that the flames of this turmoil are burning exclusively the under - developed countries and once again shook his head feeling sorrow for the poor African population. But the crack between the political administration and people is not a "privilege" of the African authoritarian regimes. 

The intensified inequalities in America illustrated by the Nobelist Stiglitz  combined with the economic depression and the long standing shaken public trust in the civil society organizations (the recent swine flu pandemic and the false alarm by the WHO is a good related example), the lack of accountability accompanied with the democratic deficit may easily turn the developed West to the next burning forest with riots, protests and clashes spreading allover. 

Greece, Spain and then London are the examples of what can happen reflecting the public feeling that the system fails them. The main common element shared by the angry western rioters is that they can't find any appropriate representation inside their present political arena. In fact they are not politicized in a way that a specific ideology used to inspire the youth in the past but they are despaired lucking any hope for a proper career as destined to live in lower living - standards from the past generations. 

The world economic crises underlined the complexity of the modern capitalism and the incapability of the administrations and institutions to address the problems effectively. The absence of political demands in the London riots contrary to the mainstream Media's claims that depict them as plain criminals underscores that they are not integrated into the existing political parties or ideologies. 

The division between the shοrt - sighted markets, the complexity of politics and the spontaneus reaction of the depressed polpulation are waving a canvas on which the future more violent touches is to paint. As the vision of the happy consumer is being buried deeper and deeper in the grave of the American dream it is still impossible to predict the consequences of the growing frustration on the future of the developed West.

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