
US debt ceiling deadlock drags on

Πηγή: Yahoo Finance

North America correspondent Jane Cowan, On Monday 18 July 2011, 15:42 EST

The US president's attempt to forge a 'grand bargain' to prevent his country defaulting on its debt has gone nowhere over the weekend.

The president and senior leaders of both parties say they will not let the US default, but there is still no deal, and the gridlock is provoking more strident warnings that the US political system is broken.

Senior members of both parties at least now agree the debt limit should be raised.

"I don't think Republican leaders will allow the country to go into default," said Republican senator John Kyl.

"Let me tell you, when the doors are closed and the cameras are off every leader sitting down with the president said we cannot default on America's debt," said Democratic senator Dick Durbin.

"If we call into question the full faith and credit of the United States for the first time in our history, interest rates will go up and this recession will get worse." However, there are still prominent Republicans, like the Tea Party aligned Florida senator Marco Rubio, who are confusing the issue.

"Well certainly the debt limit is an issue, but I think the bigger issue here is the debt," he argued.

There are suggestions ratings agencies could remove America's AAA credit rating not only in the event of a default, but also if the US fails to come up with an accompanying plan to meaningfully rein in deficits and put the nation on a sustainable economic path.

The White House budget director Jacob Lew did the rounds of the Sunday talk shows to argue the case.

"The challenge is doing more.

It's not enough for us just to do what we have to do.

We need to do as much as we can do because the whole world is watching," he warned.

"This is not just a question of Washington politics, the US credit rating is at stake, our place in the world is at stake." It is far from clear what kind of deal will ultimately be agreed with the president offering a so-called grand bargain that would slash deficits by $4 trillion in part by trimming spending on entitlement programs like Medicare, which Democrats are traditionally reluctant to touch.

However, the prospects of that compromise look remote since Republicans will not agree to increased revenues through tax hikes in return.

"I think in the end they are going to go this, whatever it happens to be, some small combination of cuts with raising the debt ceiling but politically the president and the Congress both know they have to pass something," said Matthew Dowd, a former chief strategist for George W. Bush.

In the end, the larger questions of how to run government and deal with long term debt are likely to be put off and play out during next year's election campaign.

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