
Iraq: Forced Liberators on hire

Mr. Dana Rohrabacher

The Iraq war is the ugliest story of our era. From the beginning to the end and aftermath the whole is an exemplary case of deceit, fraud, democratic deficit and lack of transparency. These characteristics are reflected to the subsequent controversy stemming all the key - facts of the story. The "well - documented" Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) turned to be Weapons of Mass Deception for the justification of a war where the only real objective was oil and maybe the extermination of Saddam who like Qaddafi was up to quit using dollars in the oil trade. The famous "food for oil" programme turned to be the biggest scandal in the history of the UN involving bribes, kickbacks and black payments with the Iraqi money while the investigations were highly controversial as the person that formed the definitive report, Mr. Paul Volker was by that time the representative of the UN Association in the States. Furthermore, a magnetic bomb was attached on the car of the head of Iraq's independent Board of Supreme Audit Ehsan Karim taking his life. In England the expert of biological warfare employed by the British Ministry of Defense and formerly a UN weapon inspector in Iraq Mr. David Kelly was found dead after discussing with a BBC journalist about the British government's dossier on the WMD of Iraq. He allegedly committed suicide while taking his usual walk in the park using his own Knife to cut his veins albeit without leaving any fingerprints. The same foggy atmosphere surrounds the death toll of Iraqi children caused by the long standing embargo (100,000 - 1,700,000) and of the civilians following the final invasion, a number that had to be changed (increased) after the Wikileaks unsanctioned disclosure of the Iraq War Logs, consisting the biggest leak in the history of the USA.
On top of these events, last Sunday (12/6) while on a congressional delegation visiting in Baghdad, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher a defender of Bush administration's program of extraordinary rendition said that Iraq should repay USA for the war that President Bush have started in 2003 as a total of around $ 3 trillion have been spent already. In the same line he withdrew his support from the Libyan rebels for not accepting to repay the costs of the US air campaign there. The Iraqis denounced the idea of paying back their forced liberation and nation building which is yet in the stage of "bombing is like shopping" and the government asked him to leave the country. Obviously this story before its final spiraling into the memory hole will have the opportunity to turn even more ugly...

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